Why Volume and Time Under Tension Are Key for Muscle Growth

fitness tips hypertrophy muscle growth strength training time under tension training strategy volume training workout progression Oct 14, 2024

One of the reasons I love focusing on volume in training is because it allows us to calculate and control the amount of work you’re putting your muscles through. Instead of just doing arbitrary reps, we measure volume to ensure progress. After all, if you’re doing 10 reps, do you know exactly how much time under tension you’re placing your muscles under?


What is Time Under Tension and Why It Matters?

Most people take a zoomed-in approach to volume. They think about the volume of today’s workout only. But as a trainer who designs long-term programs, I take a zoomed-out approach. I’m not just looking at what happens in Week 1 or Week 2; I’m focused on Week 1 through Week 12. This broader perspective ensures we:

  Avoid overtraining

  Properly progress

  Measure results over time

By strategically planning volume, we can track and ensure you’re progressing safely and effectively without hitting a plateau. 


It’s Not About Reps, It’s About Time 

What blows my mind is how little time under tension most people experience during their workouts. Let me explain: 15 minutes doesn’t sound like much, right? But I’m not talking about a 15-minute workout in total. I mean 15 minutes of legit time that your biceps or target muscles are under load.


If you watch an average gym-goer, you’ll notice that the amount of time their muscles are under tension is shockingly low. For example, most people finish a set of 10 reps in about 25 seconds.


Observing Time Under Tension in Real Life

I didn’t come to this conclusion randomly. I’ve spent time in public gyms, observing and timing how long people actually hold their muscles under tension. The results were eye-opening. The time under tension was sporadic, meaning there was no consistency or strategy behind it. This inconsistency limits progress and makes it nearly impossible to measure how much work you’re really putting in.


This is why measuring volume and time under tension is critical. If we truly want to guide someone to their fitness goals, we need to create a roadmap with specific targets.


Let’s Progress Together

I’m excited that you’re here with me on this journey. Keep showing up, keep hitting it hard, and together we’ll master this approach to training. Let’s do this!


Why Measuring Volume Over Time is Key to Progress

In a 12-week program, we aren’t just training for today’s results. By measuring volume and time under tension each week, you ensure steady progression, avoid overtraining, and continually build strength. Want to learn more about how to maximize your workout efficiency? Join My 12-Week Program.

Start Building Your Arms Today


• Maximize muscle growth through time under tension and strategic workout progression.

• Tailor exercises to your unique anatomy for optimal results.

12-Weeks to Bigger Arms 💪

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