Master the Single-Arm Tricep Extension for Maximum Tricep Hypertrophy

arm workouts building muscle cable workouts exercise form tips hypertrophy strength training tips tricep exercises upper body workouts Oct 11, 2024

When it comes to sculpting well-rounded, strong arms, focusing on tricep isolation exercises is key. One such exercise that offers incredible benefits is the Single-Arm Tricep Extension with a neutral shoulder position. This movement not only emphasizes the long head of the triceps but also helps correct strength imbalances and increases neuromuscular engagement.


Why the Single-Arm Tricep Extension?

The Single-Arm Tricep Extension is a game-changer for building symmetry and control in your upper arms. By isolating one arm at a time, you can focus on strict form and ensure each tricep receives the full benefit of the movement. Additionally, it’s excellent for improving coordination and stabilizing the core.


Exercise Setup: Mastering the Single-Arm Tricep Extension

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  Start by using a cable machine with a single-handle attachment. Adjust the pulley to a low or mid-position.

  Stand with your feet hip-width apart, facing the machine. Grip the handle with one hand, keeping your elbow stationary and close to your side throughout.

  Align your elbow with the cable pulley to create a straight line of force.

  Use a neutral grip (palm facing inward) while keeping the opposite arm at your side or using it to stabilize your core.


Execution of the Exercise

 1. Engage the Muscle First: Tighten your tricep to build pre-tension before moving the handle.

 2. Extend the Elbow: Fully extend your arm, squeezing your tricep at the top of the movement.

 3. Controlled Return: Slowly bring the handle back to the starting position, focusing on control.

 4. Repeat for Duration: Focus on form, and keep your elbow aligned with the pulley.


Tempo is Key for Tricep Hypertrophy

To maximize the benefits of this exercise, follow a specific tempo:

  Concentric: 2 seconds

  Hold at the top: 1 second

  Eccentric: 3 seconds


Key Form Cues to Maximize Time Under Tension

  Stationary Elbow: Keep your elbow locked in place throughout the movement to ensure maximum tricep activation.

  Control the Weight: Especially during the eccentric phase, maintain control of the weight.

  Breathe Consistently: Proper breathing helps you maintain focus and energy.

  Maintain Form: When fatigue sets in, avoid breaking form. Hold the weight in a static position if necessary.


Try This Alternate Exercise


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• Maximize muscle growth through time under tension and strategic workout progression.

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